For over a year the English Catholic community has been considering different options for our services on the weekend: how many liturgies, in what venues, at what times, etc. Today our committee looked at a university lecture room that was suggested as a possible mass site.
Category: Church
The Catholic Church in Cambodia.
Tangkok Pilgrimage
During the Pol Pot era, the Cambodian bishop and other men and women leaders of the Catholic Church in the kingdom died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. Their case has been presented to Rome for official recognition as martyrs. Every year a memorial service is held in Kampong Thom Province where most of them died. Click here for pictures from this year’s ceremony.
Easter Sunday
We finished our Holy Week and Easter liturgies with a very well attended mass in English at St. Joseph Church. Click here for some photos.
Easter Vigil
The most important ceremony of the Catholic Church year is the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night. Click here for pictures of the Phnom Penh English community’s service.
Good Friday
(Second of two posts on 21 April)
Our Good Friday service was at St. Joseph Church and was well attended. Click here to see photos from the evening.
Holy Thursday
(First of two posts on 21 April)
We held our Holy Thursday service at St. Joseph Church at 6:30 PM. Click here to see the different parts of the ceremony.
Palm Sunday
We’re a week late with this post because of the past week’s busy-ness but click here to see photos of our Palm Sunday celebration at St. Joseph Church.
Two in a row
Yesterday I got home from the Holy Thursday service very late after a busy day–I never had a chance to eat supper–and I didn’t have time to post something here. Now today that pattern repeated with the Good Friday service. Sorry! I’ll be back on track on Saturday, I hope.
CACD Meeting
Today was the quarterly meeting of the Catholic Alliance for Charity and Development (CACD), the social outreach of the diocese of Phnom Penh. Representatives from all the Catholic NGOs and agencies and from the religious communities come together to discuss chosen topics and to become a better face of the church’s outreach to the people of Cambodia.
Nokor Tep Women’s Hospital
The opening
After years of organizing and fund-raising, Janne Ritskes was finally able to see the opening of her Nokor Tep’s Women Hospital that she built. Click here for photos of the opening ceremony.