Learning New Signs

Our teachers in all our classroom were in Phnom Penh this past week for a week of teacher training, part of the long break the Education Project has every year at the time of the Khmer New Year. On this day the power was off so the teachers are outside but the lack of electricity didn’t matter too much because they were learning new Cambodian signs from one of our deaf sign language teachers.

Exam Time

Usually when I arrive at the Salesian Sisters school at 6:00 AM for mass, there are few of the students around and about. Today, though, these two were up-and-at’em, up early to cram for the second day of exams at the end of the second semester. They weren’t alone as you can see in the view into the cafeteria window where most of the student body was gathered to study before breakfast.

Is it worth it?

It’s always hot in Cambodia but the past few days have been especially hot, with temperatures as high as 108ºF (42ºC). We don’t have air conditioning at DDP so it makes it really difficult to work–especially since the electricity is off a half day every day now because of a lack of electricity caused by the incompetence of the government—which means we don’t even have fans. Would any of that deter the young women who still cover up every inch of exposed skin as much as possible in order to not get–gasp!—tanned? No-o-o-o-o….it wouldn’t stop them at all as seen in this young woman driver on her moto.

Notable Quotes

“The simple fact is that one of our two major parties — the one that likes to wrap itself in the flag — no longer believes in American values. And it’s very much up in the air whether America as we know it will survive.”

~ Paul Krugman