Evangelization? Inter-religious Dialogue?

Whatever you call it, it’s building up the reign of God on earth.

Fr. Bob Wynne started a program in Anlong Knang, a resettlement area outside of Phnom Penh, for the elderly men and women who live there with no families and no support systems. His program gives hot meals to the elderly twice a week plus staples for other days, and there is a core of young volunteers who visit the elderly on weekends to clean the house, wash their clothes, help with problems, take them to the local clinic if they are ill–and most of all just show them love and respect. The interesting thing is that all of the youth volunteers are Buddhist!


It’s not uncommon to see buildings like the one above dotting the Cambodian landscape….

They are distinctive for two things: first while they may have some vents, like the one above, they have no windows. And second, they have an opening like the one on the left end of the building (right photo) and birds are flying in and out.

You have heard of birdnest soup. This is where they get the birdnests. The birds nest in these rooms and create nests held together with their saliva, and then later the nests are harvested and soaked and made into soup.

Heaven or Hell?

This man is selling durian, the Asian fruit that famously “tastes like heaven, smells like hell.” Because of its strong odor, it is forbidden to carry durian onboard airplanes, buses, and other conveyances, but many, many people love its taste. The large sign indicates 10,000 riel ($2.50) probably per kilogram. The red paint on some of the durians indicates a better grade of quality.

My Mistake

I usually try to post some more substantial content on Sundays but yesterday was really chaotic. I prepared the photos in the post below this one but then forgot to put them here on the website. Sorry!

A Sad Funeral…continued

Cambodia doesn’t have funeral homes because 94% of the people are Buddhist and are cremated within twenty-four hours after the body stays at the family home overnight. Because Mr. Uchenna was to be buried, we had a funeral at the mortuary in the hospital. Mr. Bede Uwalaka was a lector for the scripture readings.
The cemetery was in the next province and it took us almost two hours to drive there. After the coffin was placed in the shallow grave, the family and friends began to fill the grave with dirt and then the job was finished by this cemetery worker.
After the grave was filled, a worker immediately smoothed out a thin concrete cover the grave.
Mr. Austin Koleyoke (right, with white shirt), the president of the Nigerian association in Cambodia, then spoke to those who had come to the cemetery and thanked them for their presence and their tribute to their deceased brother.

A Sad Funeral

Recently one of our Nigerian parishioners was killed in an auto accident and today we had his funeral outside at the mortuary before driving to a burial site in a neighboring province. He leaves behind his Khmer wife and a five-month old son and a stepson.

Things to come…

This is the small chapel at St. Joseph Church where the English community will move in a week or two. We need to find a way to mount a projector and screen visible for the whole congregation, without destroying the esthetics of the chapel.

Staying alive

This is a mother selling some kind of confection outside the Boeung Keng Kang Market. Neighbors with more money rent a stall inside and pile it with clothes or shoes or backpacks or tools or…. This woman, with less money, gets up early, cooks deep-fried goodies, and sits OUTSIDE the market for free and makes a couple dollars a day for the family.