Today I had three masses in the morning, then a lunch with other priests and sisters, and then it was off to the airport for the one-hour flight back to Perth.
This is the front side of the Bishop’s House, where I was staying, with the diocesan offices located in this part, brightly lit by the early morning sun.This is a view through the nave of the cathedral toward the back. I had a 7:30 AM and a 9:30 AM mass here, preaching about Cambodia, with an 8:30 AM mass in between at St. John Church. It was a lot of running and a tight schedule for the morning.After the morning masses, Bishop Michael Morrissey (fourth right) and the other priests of the area eat lunch together with the Presentation Sisters of Perth.After lunch I went back to my room in the Bishop’s House and packed up, ready to return to Perth.The Geraldton Airport has some interesting displays of ship wrecks that have been part of that coast area’s history. This is a deck gun from the sailing ship Batavia that sank in 1690.Also at the airport is this model of the HMS Sydney which was sunk off the coast of Geraldton in WWII but was not found until 2008.Australia is very open and responsive about issues of sexuality, and the airport had the first unisex bathrooms that I have seen.