April Board Meeting Trip–28-29 April


The actual Maryknoll Lay Missioners Board Meeting began Friday morning and ended late Saturday morning.

Traditionally the meeting starts with a liturgy in the Walsh Building chapel.  All the MKLM staff are invited to participate also.

This is one end of the board room table, with Terry Miller making a point.  This meeting was a little atypical because several of our members were not able to attend.  We did welcome three new board members, though, all former lay missioners.  Terry is one of them.

The other end of the board room table.

We had meetings of the board’s Governance, Advancement, and Finance Committees right before lunch in the seminary building dining room.  The Governance Committee decided to sit together and to continue their discussions through lunch.

In mid afternoon we took a break for a group photo on the Maryknoll grounds which are beautiful in the spring.

After a full day’s work, we ate a catered dinner in the Walsh Building dining room.  The group is made up of really wonderful, committed people, and it is a delight to come together with them.

Dinner was the last official act of the day but several members stayed on to continue discussions about board issues and also just to catch up with each other.

Saturday morning we had a final session of the board, particularly to review what happened on Friday and to apportion responsibility for action that must now be taken after the meeting.   Then it was time to head home.  Here a group gathers around Sam Stanton’s car as he prepared to drive them to NYC airports.