Hong Kong Trip — Saturday P.M.

The pastoral center for people with disabilities in Ho Man Tin is an old refugee center that the diocese converted into a center where people with disabilities can gather.  It was the church that I used for mass every Sunday with the deaf people when I was in Hong Kong

Bishop Lam presided at the liturgy along with four Hong Kong priests who take turns helping out the deaf community now that they no longer have a full-time priest with them.  Here some of the group gathered for a photo with the bishop.
After mass some of the former teachers and former students at the old Canossa School for the Deaf looked at photos of their past together.
Charlie had a chance to talk a little with Professor Gladys Tang of Chinese University who heads the department of Sign Language Linguistics and Deaf Studies.
Then it was on to the restaurant where we had a dinner with the deaf people and the founders of the group and the volunteers and interpreters who have been with them through the years. A special addition was this group of present deaf students who are in the co-enrollment program set up by Prof. Gladys Tang.
A group of the Hong Kong Catholic deaf people performed a sign language song as part of the celebration.
Fannie was the emcee for the evening, assisted by Justina and Simon, the interpreters.
Fan So Ngor is the current president of the Hong Kong Pastoral Association of the Deaf, assisted here by interpreter Peggy Fung.
At the end many group photos were taken. Here Ophelia Chan, Sr. Theresa Chien, Charlie Dittmeier, and Peggy Fung, all part of the really old days of the group, got together for a picture.