Women’s Day at DDP

Women’s Day is officially on March 8th but DDP celebrated it today, on the weekend, so that more people could attend. Here are some photos from the morning activities.

This traditional blessing dance was a first for DDP. Normally young women study and practice for a year before performing the dance with its complex movements, but Mano (center) worked with two students for just two weeks to put together a very credible performance.
The main activity of the morning was a talk on Violence against Women with Disabilities.
During the morning there were also some demonstrations of the skills of the deaf students. Here one of our barber trainees cuts the hair of one of the children present.
This year various deaf individuals or groups set up stalls to display their handicrafts or to sell snacks or clothing or beauty products.
In the meanwhile lunch for 100+ persons was being cooked on charcoal braziers.