Public Service…not

I hesitate to post this page because I know there are some good people in the government ministries. True, many of them are ineffective because their superiors will not approve the good they want to do, but the good people are genuinely trying to better Cambodian society.

At the same time there are an astounding number of military and government officials who are just corrupt and criminal. The papers run headlines like these basically every day. There seems to be an expectation among a significant number of the people who acquire positions of authority that it’s just a given that they are to use their position for their own betterment and the common good be damned.




To give some context to these headlines, this one about nepotism and cronyism relates how a lieutenant general who is director of the Military Court of Cambodia has at least ten of his relatives and friends as court officials. His wife is also a general(!), is a judge, and is vice president of the court.