ANM—March 15 (1) Today was the third and last full day of the Annual Negotiations Meeting. The day had an inauspicious start. When I got to DDP, the electricity was off–the whole neighborhood and not just our compound. We moved this class of Year 2 students outside where there was light and air. In the morning some of the DDP staff were preparing fruits and gifts and other arrangements for a visit by Buddhist monks later in the day. Upstairs we moved our ANM session outside also, to a large veranda we have. Here Narith gives Katarina a report on the youth camp last year and on the preparations for another camp session in April. The weather has been getting warmer and warmer by the day but it was not too bad when we all gathered on the veranda for our meetings. Sr. Regina Pellicore (L) has known almost all the representatives from the Finnish Association of the Deaf and so we invited her to meet Katarina at a lunch we arranged to familiarize Katarina with Maryknoll Cambodia. The meetings scheduled for the afternoon were more one-on-one sessions rather than the full project staff sessions of the first two days. The objective this afternoon was for each of the management team to have a chance to talk to Katarina personally.