This is an illustration of what I like best about Cambodia–and what I am going to miss most when I leave. Here a technician from the apartment where I live and his partner fix a shower hose that stopped working. I sent a message this morning about the problem and suggested a time when I would be home, and immediately got a response that Vuthy and his partner would be there then. And I love the way they work. In the US, if I couldn’t fix it myself and had to call someone to work on it, it would take several days to get someone to the house, cost me $25/$50/$75 when he walks in the door, and then he would just pull out a new hose and charge me another $25 or $50 for it. Vuthy got out his channel-locks and needle-nosed pliers, took the hose apart, repaired it, and fifteen minutes later the water was back on. And no charge. I’ll miss all that.