FAD/DPF Visit (Day 5c)

Nearby the community hall where we met the local deaf group is the home and barbershop of one of the barbers we trained at DDP. The certificate on the wall behind him is signed by me.
The second stop after the local group gathering was at the home of the deaf woman on the right, another member of the group. She runs a small convenience shop from her family’s home.
Then we went to the DDP office in Kampong Cham town where our group split into for lunch, on restaurant for the vegetarians and another for the rest of the group.
After lunch we spent ten minutes or so in the DDP office before getting back on the road.
The final stop near the gathering center was at the home of another member who also has a barber shop. He also raises chickens. The hay under the stairs is for cows kept by his parents.