A commitment

Today Sr. Bernadette Pheng Sreymom professed her perpetual vows as a Salesian sister. The ceremony was in Kampong Cham, her home province, and many people from Phnom Penh and other provinces came to show their support and appreciation.

For the ceremony large tents were set up to accommodate the hundreds of sister colleagues and friends from the north and south of Cambodia.
I believe Sr. Bernadette is the second Cambodian young woman to become a Salesian sister. She is assigned to the Tuol Kork community so I have known her there where I go for mass on Monday mornings.
A very joyous group gathered to be with Sr. Bernadette as she took her final vows.
Bishop Suon Hangly, the prefect of the Kampong Cham diocese, received Sr. Bernadette’s vows for the church.