First Mass at St. Jude School

Our Saturday night English Catholic Community finally found a new home at St. Jude Thaddeus International School. Starting 20 July, our Saturday masses will be held in their new multipurpose room. These are pictures from our first liturgy there.

Because this was the first time for our gathering at St. Jude Thaddeus School, Fr. Charlie explained both the building and the church blessing liturgy we would celebrate that evening.
First we had a blessing of the people–the church–and then Fr. Charlie blessed the building where the church will meet from now on.
As the blessing of the building ended, members of the parish covered the previously bare altar with the altar cloths and set out the candles and the liturgical books to be used.
Then Fr. Kevin blessed the altar.
Then we continued with the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist in our first mass in our new center.
After the last blessing, everyone turned to face a rear balcony for a photograph to help us remember this special day.

[Our special thanks to Ms. Myra Dalmacia, the director of the St. Jude Thaddeus International School, who has invited us to use her school for our liturgy. And our sincere thanks to Tommy Boukhris Photography who took these photos for us.]