Day 1
Earlier in December I went to Hong Kong for the 30th anniversary of the pastoral center for people with disabilities that I helped to start. Yesterday I returned to Hong Kong for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Canossa School for the Deaf. That celebration will be on December 30th.

I took the airport bus into town and when I got off, two really good friends were there to meet me–Peggy and Angel. First we went to the apartment I am using this trip–courtesy of another really good friend, Judy in Taiwan.

Then we went to a phone shop to get a Hong Kong SIM card installed in my phone. That took an hour! After that we ate a delicious meal in a nearby restaurant.

After eating we walked to a grocery store in the Wanchai area, to get something for my breakfast in the morning. Our travel took us past a public area beautifully decorated with Christmas lights and scenes.