“WAITING.” I guess that’s what we are all doing these days, around the world. And it’s only just begun! With strengthened community quarantine rules prohibiting many from physically leaving their home, what’s in store for us? Have you thought about what it will be like two or three weeks or a month from now? Because of the tensions, we could get on each other’s nerves. How long will this last? No one likes to wait. In the meantime, we get worried, anxious, fearful, impatient, and angry.
Let’s step back and get the right perspective. First of all, let’s be thankful. We have electricity, water, shelter, food—the basic necessities. We have each other online with phone calls, e-mail, texts, Zoom, Viber, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and so much more. Get into a daily routine. Keep God as part of your day. Spend time in His Word and talk about Him to your family. Keep exercising, studying, working, and most of all smiling. This too will pass.