McLaughlin and Gilmour







Day 2
5 March 2007

Friends Across Borders (FAB) is a program of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners bringing people to mission areas to help them understand the realities of mission countries and mission work. This is the first time an FAB trip has come to Cambodia.


Khmer language class at Maryknoll house Last night the second part of the FAB group arrived in Phnom Penh (four of them without their luggage) and so all thirteen were together for Day 2 of their venture. There were talks about the history of Cambodia and Maryknoll's work here, a short bus tour, and then at the end of the afternoon, a Khmer language class.
Small group language practice The language class was not intended to produce proficient speakers of Khmer but rather just to give a flavor of the language for this group, all of whom have traveled before and could compare Khmer to other languages they have been exposed to. Here groups of two practice various phrases.
Supper at the Khmer Restaurant Finally it was supper time, again at the Khmer Restaurant near the hotels. The group is staying in three of the Golden series of hotels, all owned by an extended Chinese family. At supper the FAB travelers were not afraid to try out various Khmer dishes.

Day 1   |   Day 2  |   Day 4  |   Day 5    |   Day 7   |   Day 11   |   Day 12   |   Day 13   |   Day 14

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