Virginia Wong







Day 12
15 March 2007

Today was the last full day in Cambodia for most of the Friends Across Borders group. Tomorrow night eight of the board a flight back to the US. The pace didn't slow, though, because it was the last day. They visited Jim McLaughlin's work in the microbiology lab and Roberta McLaughlin's work with youth at YRDP. Tonight they joined all the Maryknollers at the office for a final dinner and a Khmer blessing dance.


Jim McLaughlin and Margo Jim McLaughlin, who organized the FAB trip on the Cambodia end, and Margo O'Dell on the last night of the trip.
Fr. Bob Wynne and Lorraine McDermott Fr. Bob Wynne, the newest member of the Cambodia Mission Team, and Lorraine McDermott of the FAB group
Dancers from Krousar Thmey Because the FABers had not had an opportunity to see classical Khmer dance, a dance troupe from Krousay Thmey's program came to perform before supper.
The dancers eating dessert After the dance, the young women changed back from their classical outfits to their street clothes and joined Fr. Kevin Conroy for dessert.

Day 1   |   Day 2   |   Day 4   |   Day 5   |   Day 7   |   Day 11   |   Day 12   |   Day 13   |   Day 14

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