Dave Saumweber and Julia Mullen







Day 11
14 March 2007

The FAB participants are starting to talk about the approaching end of their trip, but today was another full day. After morning prayer at the hotel, the group went to the Deaf Development Program, both the main building and also the hostel and activity center. Then they went to Wat Than, a training center for people with disabilities. In the afternoon there was a visit to Stung Meanchey where people scavenge on a garbage dump, and then in the evening there was a liturgy and dinner at the Maryknoll office followed by a short slide presentation on Cambodia and the deaf work.


Morning prayer
Celina Campas led the group in a form of meditation for morning prayer today

     Celina speaking at DDP
At the Deaf Development Program, Celina and Charlie Dittmeier explained their work with deaf people
Visiting a DDP classroom
Talking with some of the deaf students in a DDP classroom
     Visiting the deaf hostel and activity center
Taking a quick look at the DDP hostel and activity center
Woodcarving at Wat Than
Observing some students, including two deaf people, learning wood carving

     The handicraft shop at Wat Than
A group of people with disabilities have formed a cooperative in which they produce and sell various handicrafts
Shopping at Wat Than
The Wat Than shop has a large variety of handicrafts well-made by people with disabilities
     Eating lunch at Boat Noodle
At lunch time the group ate Khmer dishes at a local restaurant not far from Wat Than

Eating supper at Maryknoll
After visiting the garbage dump, the group had a short break before going to the Maryknoll office for liturgy and supper
     Eating outside at Maryknoll
We had quite a large group for liturgy and supper tonight with the thirteen members of the FAB entourage with us.

Day 1   |   Day 2   |   Day 4   |   Day 5   |   Day 7   |   Day 11   |   Day 12   |   Day 13   |   Day 14

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