New Hampshire

23-24 April 2016


Part 1   |   Part 2   |   Part 3   |   Part 4   |   Part 5

Our board meetings ended Friday evening, and on Saturday and Sunday I drove 200 miles to Nashua, New Hampshire to visit a friend, Fr. Pierre Baker, and preach in his parish.

Following a merger, St. John XXIII parish was created from two parishes which retained the name of their own churches in the new parish. This is the sanctuary at Infant Jesus Church in Nashua, New Hampsire where Fr. Pierre Baker lives. St. John Evangelist is the other church in the merged parish.

Infant Jesus Church in Nashua

On Sunday afternoon, after mass Fr. Pierre drove me 45 miles to the New Hampshire coastline--18 miles of it. This is Rye Harbor on the coast on a beautiful sunny spring day.

New Hampshire coast line

The coast is an hour away from Nashua where Fr. Pierre has his parish and he occasionally drives to the sea for a day off. When there, this is his favorite seafood restaurant.

Fr. Pierre Baker

Pierre and Charlie took a sabbatical together in 1996, living at the North American College in Rome for three months. They became friends and have kept in touch over the years.

Fr. Pierre Baker and Fr. Charlie Dittmeier

Pierre checked the phone upon our return and ended up talking to a troubled person for a few minutes.

Fr. Pierre's office