Board of Directors Meetings

22 April 2016


Part 1   |   Part 2   |   Part 3   |   Part 4   |   Part 5

The full day today was committed to meetings of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners Board of Directors and of the sub-committees.

We started the official meetings, as usual, with a liturgy with the board members and the MKLM staff together.

The board members and staff at mass

As a mission education component for the board, the board heard presentations by Sr. Noni Gutzler of the sisters' Governing Board and Bro. Wayne Fitzpatrick, representing the priests and brothers' General Council. They brought the board up to date on the interactions of the various Maryknoll entities.

The board meeting with Society and Congregation leadership

Later in the morning the various board committees met to prepare their reports to the full board. Here the Mission Advancement Committee meets in Director Matt Boyle's office. L-R: Mike Wrob, Matt, Mike Cammarota, and Sarah Welch. Charlie Dittmeier is also a member of this group and took the picture.

Meeting of the Advancement Committee

The Governance Committee has been very busy preparing for replacement of some of the board members finishing their terms and also keeping the statutes and policies up to date. L-R: Bob Carlsen, Ian Bautista, Kathy Bond, Greg Darr, Marj Humphrey, Bill Vos.

Meeting of the Governance Committee

Lunch today was at the Sisters' Center where board members had a chance to meet the sisters or renew friendships from over the years.

Lunch at the Sisters' Center

At a side table at this lunch were Sr. Regina Pellicore, Sr. Mary Little, and Sr. Noni Gutzler who all have connections with Cambodia and Asia South.

Srs. Regina Pellicore, Mary Little, and Noni Gutzler

In the afternoon there was a report from the Mission Advancement Department. Matt Boyle (yellow shirt) is the director of that department and made the presentation.

Report of the Mission Advancement Department