Trip to United States

25 April to 1 May 2012

30 April to 2 May 2012 (Monday to Wednesday)

25 April  |  26 April  |  27 April  |  28 April  |  29 April  |  30 April

After the Board Meeting

On Monday morning I left Bethany at 5:50 AM by taxi to the Ossining train station where I got an express into Grand Central Terminal. There I walked across 42nd Street and got the airport bus to LaGuardia. Then it flights to Washington, DC/Tokyo/Bangkok/Phnom Penh. I finally arrived in Phnom Penh Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM.

This is the front of the Bethany building, the headquarters of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners, at 6:00 AM as I waited for the taxi to the train station. I had left the front door propped open in case the taxi didn't show up and I had to go inside to call again. I had already hung my keys on the keyboard inside, part of the departure drill at Bethany.

Bethany and 5:50 AM

This is part of the main concourse at Grand Central Terminal in New York City.

Grand Central Terminal in NYC

Across 42nd Street from Grand Central is the boarding area for the airport buses to JFK and to LaGuardia. I was pleased that they had reinstated the senior citizen discount.

Catching the airport bus

It's fascinating for a Pewee Valley boy to ride through the streets of New York City early in the morning and see the metropolis wake up.

Early morning on a NYC street

Three flights later I had landed in Bangkok at 11:00 PM Tuesday night, coming from Tokyo, and I checked out my usual place to sleep until my flight to Phnom Penh at 8:00 AM the next morning on Wednesday. This is the B concourse in the East Terminal, and it is surprisingly comfortable.


At the gate for the flight to Phnom Penh, these seat covers indicated this row was priority seating for various groups. Can you figure out what the first icon represents?

Click here to see the answer.

Priority seating at the gate area


The first icon depicts a Buddhist monk, showing his flowing robes wrapped around his body. In most Asian countries, monks are treated with a great deal of respect and always get the first seats in auditoriums and vehicles, etc.