Trip to United States

25 April to 1 May 2012

26 April 2012 (Thursday)

25 April  |  26 April  |  27 April  |  28 April  |  29 April  |  30 April

Board of Directors Meeting

I had about six hours of sleep at the Maryknoll house in Manhattan, and then went up to Maryknoll, New York.

Brother Tony Lopez is part of the Maryknoll staff operating the Maryknoll house in Manhattan. He and Fr. Frank McGourn are the gracious hosts of the facility which serves Maryknollers traveling through the City.

Bro. Tony Lopez

Kathy Bond is a Maryknoll Lay Missioner assigned to Brazil, and she stayed at the Maryknoll house also last night. This morning after breakfast we took the train up to Ossining, and here she is arriving at our Bethany headquarters.

Kathy Bond

Kathy Bond and Sara Welch are the two new members of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners Board of Directors. This evening they had an orientation session with Fr. Bill Vos who is the chair of the board.

Orienting the new board members

Then it was time for supper. Marj Humphrey, Sam Stanton, and Dave Cappellari had arrived in time to eat with those who arrived earlier in the day.

Supper at Bethany