Travel from Thailand to the United StatesThe Maryknoll Lay Missioners has a meeting of its Board of Directors in April, and it worked out this year that Charlie Dittmeier would go to a meeting on rural business for people with disabilities in Bangkok on the way to the United States. That Thailand meeting ended on 24 April. |
Because of increased congestion, the Bangkok international airport now asks passengers to arrive three hours before a flight rather than two. I checked in at 3:00 AM and then went through immigration to the airside of security where there were few passengers about at that hour of the morning. This man was checking inventory prior to opening his duty free shop. |
These two women were preparing the opening of another shop. One was catching a little more sleep while her colleague went over the sales information. |
From Bangkok there were four flights to Charlie's final destination in New York:
- Bangkok to Tokyo
- Tokyo to San Francisco
- San Francisco to Chicago
- Chicago to LaGuardia in New York City
The first flight departed from Bangkok at 6:00 AM on Wednesday morning. The final flight landed at LaGuardia—28 hours later!—at midnight on the same day because of crossing the International Date Line.