Trip to United States

25 April to 1 May 2012

29 April 2012 (Saturday)

25 April  |  26 April  |  27 April  |  28 April  |  29 April  |  30 April

After the Board Meeting

Today was an unscheduled day. Originally I thought I was going to speak in a parish this weekend but that was not possible to arrange so I was free to enjoy Bethany and the people there now.

At 9:30 AM, I went to Sunday mass at the chapel at the Sisters' Center.

Mass at the Sisters' chapel

It was a nice cool clear morning and the colors of spring were around the main building at the Sisters' Center.

One of the sisters' buildings

The priests celebrated their 100th anniversary in 2011. The sisters are celebrating theirs in 2012.

Sign for the sisters' centennary

In the afternoon Alicia and Bernie Butkiewicz came to Bethany to meet some of us briefly. Here they talk to Mike Wrob, one of the board of directors.

Alicia and Bernie Butkiewicz and Mike Wrob

In the afternoon the Mission Integration Program (MIP) began. This helps returning missioners reintegrate into the day-to-day world after they finish their contract with the Maryknoll Lay Missioners or prepares them to return to their mission countries.

The returned missioners group

In the evening there was a BBQ to begin the MIP and to allow the board members still at Bethany to meet the returning missioners in the class of 2008. Lauren Vater, Susan Sporl, Peg Vamosy, Charlie Dittmeier, and Cecilia Espinoza posed for a photograph.

At the Sunday dinner