Four of the seven MMAF members in Cambodia took a trip to the province of Kompong Cham in July, 2000. The trip was part of the orientation of the new Maryknollers to Cambodia and an opportunity to see how the church operates in the rural provinces.

This seventh page shows the cooking setup at two houses and also various people traveling on the village path.

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A mother and son cooking Preparing supper under the house
A horse cart on the village path A woman selling fruits and vegetables from her bicycle
A woman carrying goods to market on a bicycle Coming home from the market
A boat for the water festival Traditional Khmer houses have different cooking arrangements. Some have the cooking area upstairs, usually the back room of the house, but here one woman is cooking behind the house and another under the house. The path through the village is the lifeline to connect them to the outside world since there is no electricity, radio, or telephone. People pass by all day long, on foot, on bicycles, on motorcycles, and on horse carts. The last picture shows an 80-foot boat built for the annual water festival.

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