Priests Retreat
in Sihanoukville

1-6 June 2015
o Monday
 o Tuesday
  o Wednesday
   o Thursday
    o Friday
     o Saturday

Bishop Kike playing guitar
Bishop Kike (R) of Battambang is known as the "Wheelchair Bishop" but he also has talent as a photographer and as a guitar player. Here is helps with the music at one of our later liturgies.
Bishop Kike and Fr. Bob Wynne
On the final morning, we had mass at 6:30 AM, a quick breakfast, and then everyone got on the road for the drive home. For those in the northern provinces, the trip would take all day. Here Bishop Kike speaks with Fr. Bob Wynne as they wait for others to finish eating.
Loading up the truck to Kampong Cham
The priests from Kampong Cham Province paused for a moment while loading their truck for the six-hour plus trip home for a last photo with some of the other priests who were at this retreat.
A final shot with Fr. Vidalis
Fr. Vidalis wasn't leaving as quickly as the retreatants but he got together with some of the men for a last photo under the retreat banner.
St. Michael Church in the morning
Most people never see this view of the church's back side, but the building is quite impressive in the bright early morning sun.

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