Wednesday / 14 January 2004

Day 3 of Retreat

The Maryknoll community in Asia is made up of a lot of really good people, some old, some young; some experienced, some rather new.  They were born in many different countries and work in cultures nothing like their own.
Fr. Phan speaking to the Maryknoll group 

Fr. Phan speaking to the Maryknoll community on the third day of retreat at the Hua Hin center.  His topics this day were The church of mission: the community of Jesus' disciples. What kind of church do we need? and Mission as dialogue: table fellowship of Jesus as model for the church's mission.

KatrinaPooja ParkMeg GallagherElizabeth Thaibinh
Bill O'LearyLarry RadiceErica Fosciatti
John BeechingKathy MorefieldBob McFarlandNancy McFarland
Ever MadorMary GrenoughFr. Roland LaneuvilleCambodia people
Kathy BondBill VelickyBilly Doerner
Judy HeleinRomane St. VilKim and Patricia LaMothe

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