Monday / 12 January 2004

Day 1 of Retreat

We have had to limit the numbers attending this annual retreat because it was becoming so popular.  The Salesian Retreat Center in Hua Hin can accommodate just about 80 people if we put a few couples in some rooms.  This year the overflow stayed at the Ursuline Sisters house nearer the beach.

Fr. Peter Cho Phan 

Fr. Peter Cho Phan gave lively presentations on the idea of mission and the church.  He had two talks daily, and today his topics were The one proclaimed in mission: Which Christ for Asia? and To do mission as Jesus did: Jesus as teacher, prophet, and miracle worker.

Kathleen Doerner and Patricia LaMothe 

An important part of the retreat experience here--and of the meeting experience also--is liturgy.  Different groups take responsibility for planning morning and evening prayer and the late morning eucharist.  Here Kathleen Doerner and Patty LaMothe join in the singing.

Scott Harris, Jim Campion, and Dorothy McGubbin 

Being far away in southern Thailand doesn't mean being far away from what is going on in the world.  Here Scott Harris, Jim Campion, and Dorothy McGubbin check the headlines--and maybe the sports and comics, too.

Computer room 

More utilized than the newspapers are the computers used for e-mail.  This year Bro. Joseph, the director of this center, has networked three computers for e-mail use.  The connection is slow but Ever Mador, Nora, and Joe Thaler make do.

Lisa Pirie, Doy, Ayan Matutina, and Mike Bassano 

There is a social hour each evening before supper, and sometimes the guitars appear for a round of singing.  Here Lisa Pirie, Doy Castro, Ayan Matutina, and Mike Bassano make beautiful music together.

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