25th Anniversary of the MMAF

4-6 May 2001

Maryknoll, New York

6 May--Sunday
Today started off slow, probably to give everyone a chance to sleep late after all the dancing, reminiscing, and long conversations that carried on into the early hours of the morning. An optional breakfast was poorly attended but everyone was present in the chapel at 9:30 AM for a simple morning prayer and then the last exercise of the Open Space process. Summaries of all the discussion sessions yesterday were given to everyone, and then people put colored dots on posters with the issues written on them that they thought were the highest priority for action in the near future. Finally there was a closing blessing and then a huge brunch in the dining room. The kitchen crew (Maryknoll staffers and employees) really outdid themselves. After eating, many hands pitched in to stack chairs, rearrange furniture, and generally put the building back in order, and then it was departure time for almost everyone. Within an hour, Bethany was uncommonly silent.
Setting up the chapel for morning prayer
Nancy Sosnowski, Kip Hargrave, Mef Ford, and Nada Lee Jones set up the chapel for morning prayer and the closing blessing.
Reading the summary of the discussion groups
Chuck Lathrop, Jack Sullivan, Mary Ann Donnelly, and Ellen Cowhey read the summaries of the discussion groups yesterday.
Reading the summaries of the discussion groups
Joanne and Mark Koenig, Vicki Armour-Hileman, and Mary Delaney reflect on the prioritiziing of yesterday's discussion groups.
Setting priorities for future action
Participants put colored dots on the topics of the various discussion groups to indicate their priority choices.

Go to Day 1 of the Anniversary Celebration, Friday, 4 May
Go to Day 2 of the Anniversary Celebration, Saturday, 5 May

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