25th Anniversary of the MMAF

4-6 May 2001

Maryknoll, New York

5 May--Saturday
Today was the main working day of the anniversary gathering. Mef Ford, a former Maryknoll sister who is now a psychologist in New York City, led the group in an Open Space exercise which allowed everyone to discuss ideas on a Maryknoll topic of interest to them. Then there was a closing liturgy held in the seminary chapel because the Bethany chapel would not hold the crowd, followed by a buffet dinner also at the seminary. Then everyone trouped back over to Bethany for a "toast and roast" gala honoring the founders of the Lay Mission Office 25 years ago.
Morning prayer in the Bethany chapel
After breakfast, the day began with morning prayer in the Bethany chapel.


Explaining the Open Space exercise
The Open Space technique was utilized to allow all to initiate and participate in discussions of their choice.


Signing up for Open Space sessions
Jim Campion and others sign up for discussion groups.
Play session for the children
A variety of play activities were arranged for the children throughout the day.
Wrap up session in the Bethany chapel
At the end of the working sessions there was a short evaluation time in the chapel.
Children's choir at the closing liturgy
During the day the children practiced a special song which they sang at the main liturgy.
Presenting an award to Bernie Butkiewicz
Here Bernie Butkiewicz receives a memento as one of the original lay missioners.
Bob Short roasting our honorees
To finish off the day, Bob Short and Nancy Kleppel led a roasting of our honorees.

Go to Day 1 of the Anniversary Celebration, Friday, 4 May
Go to Day 3 of the Anniversary Celebration, Sunday, 6 May

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