Sweeping the City

In many developing countries, the people are poor but they have a strong commitment to keeping their environment clean--or rather to cleaning it up. During the day, still acting as they did in a time when all packaging was bio-degradable, made from banana leaves and tied with vines and strings, people in Cambodia throw everything on the ground. Most buildings have no rubbish bins in sight, and where they are available, they are seldom used.

But every morning someone from almost every household is out on the street sweeping up the previous day's accumulation of trash. It would seem simpler and more aesthetic to me just to not throw it on the ground in the first place, but that's not the culture here.

These are photographs taken on the mornings when I ride across town at 6:00 AM and see many people beginning their day--and sweeping in front of their homes.

See a second set of sweeping photos here.

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