Louisville—Day 2 |
Every year the Louisville priests have a Fall Convocation. This year I was able to attend and to reconnect with so many of the guys I haven't seen for a long time. There were two tracks to choose from: Aging Gracefully and Technology in Ministry. |
Fr. Joe Hayden is the other Louisville priest, besides me, serving in mission overseas. Joe has served in Peru for more than twenty years. |
Archbishop Kurtz, whose face is familiar now to many American Catholics because of his role as president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, gave a rundown on several issues the diocese is now addressing. |
In the evening I met with three of the Dittmeier sisters. Mary (L) and Jane (R) and I met at Ann's house to take care of some paperwork for her. |
Then all of us, with Jane's daughter Emily, went to dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant. |