Trip to United States

October, 2013

28 October 2013

Today started in Louisville, transited through Charlotte, North Carolina, and ended up in New York City.

Because a United Airlines tickets was twice the price of US Airways, I flew the latter and was routed through Charlotte, North Carolina where they had this welcoming seating area near the gates. The premier flyers have their lounge but this was a comfortable alternative for the economy passengers.
Sitting area in North Carolina airport


From Charlotte I flew to LaGuardia in NYC and then took the airport bus to Manhattan. Here the bus drops passengers off on 41st Street near Grand Central Station.
41st Street in Manhattan


I met a boyhood friend and fellow Eagle Scout, Bill Sigler, in Manhattan. He was in from Alaska. We had a pleasant couple hours together before I went back to my room at the Maryknoll House in Manhattan.
Room at the Maryknoll House