Trip to United States

October, 2013

22-23 October 2013

Not having a tight schedule to follow this trip made it possible to visit some old friends.

Today I went to meet Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, my boss. I thanked him for his support and allowing me to continue in Cambodia. On his part, he said he was glad I came by because he is calling in all the priests reaching retirement age to talk with them about their future. After meeting with the archbishop, I had a chat with Fr. Mark Spalding, the Vicar General, and Fr. Jeff Schooner, the Vocations Director, who also have offices at the chancery.

On Wednesday morning I went to visit my Aunt Mary Pound who recently moved to the Little Sisters of the Poor. She is 94 now and really enjoys her new living situation. Her only complaint was that the other senior citizens go to bed too early!

Charlie and Mary Pound

After visiting Aunt Mary, I went to see Norma Lewis, a sign language interpreter, probably--at 92--the oldest still active signing interpreter in the United States. When I left, she blessed me with a bunch of brownies she had made.

Norma Lewis