Trip to United States

October, 2013

19 October 2013

Normally this Saturday morning would have been the last session of the Board of Directors meeting but this time I headed out early in the morning for LaGuardia airport and went to Louisville.

The guest rooms at the Sisters' Center were rather like our old rooms in the seminary many years ago but a little bit bigger and with real wooden doors and closets. Staying at the Center was very convenient because it is almost directly across the road from the Walsh Building headquarters of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners.

Guest room at Sisters' Center

I left the Center at 6:45 AM when Fr. Ed McGovern came to pick me up and take me to LaGuardia Airport. He did that once before (Thanks, Ed!) and it gave us a chance to catch up and talk.

Guest room at Sisters' Center

My sister Mary Davis met me at the airport and took me to her house where I stayed the first three nights. Here is Mary with sister Jane Browne (L) and her daughter Emily (R).

Jane Browne, Mary Davis, Emily Browne

Another sister, Martha Reed, from Cincinnati, who drove down for this evening's gathering.

Martha Reed

Good Guy brother-in-law Mike Davis, husband of Mary.

Mike Davis