Travel from Bangkok to Hua Hin

10 January 2013


Most of the Maryknollers in Maryknoll Asia South use the BNH Hospital in Bangkok for check-ups and treatment they cannot get in their mission countries so quite a few of the Maryknoll people attending this week's retreat and meetings arrived in Bangkok days before. Today they all gathered at a hotel parking lot to board a chartered bus and van to travel together to Hua Hin.


Chatting at the Maryknoll office
The Maryknoll office in Bangkok is near the hotel where the bus would pick people up so some went to the office early in the morning to enjoy the air conditioning and catch up with each other. (L-R): Tom Dunleavy, Luise Ahrens, Becky Macugay (standing), and Mary Grenough.
Making acquaintenances at the parking lot
While waiting for the bus, James Havey (middle), a newly arriving lay missioner going to Cambodia, had a chance to meet Steve Chinnavaso, also in Cambodia, and Bill Galvin (right) from Hong Kong.
Walking to the bus
Soon the majority of the Maryknollers were heading toward the bus, led by Lindsay Doucette.
Ready to roll
We were almost ready to head south but Bob Wynne had not yet arrived from the airport so there was a slight delay.
At the rest stop
A tradition--and maybe a necessity--is a stop at a rest area a couple hours into the three-hour trip. The 7-11 staff must love to see a busload like this group of Maryknollers descend on their store.
Unloading the bus in Hua Hin
Finally the bus arrived at the Salesian Retreat Center in Hua Hin—unfortunately just as 2,000 students were exiting from the same gate that serves both the school and the retreat center. But finally the bus reached the center and it was time to unload the luggage and people.
Social gathering before supper
There was a social gathering before supper, a really useful fixture in the schedule, because every year there are new people attending and this is a chance to meet the new people and renew old acquaintances.
A table of sisters at supper
This group of Maryknoll sisters found themselves sitting at the same table for supper with a chance to catch up with people not seen for a year or more.
The first annoucements of the gathering
At the end of the meal, Luise Ahrens gave general announcements about the schedule and housekeeping while Sami Scott waited to speak about liturgical arrangements for the time at the center.

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