Trip to United States

April, 2013

25 April 2013

Unscheduled Day

Today was a bright spring day, one which highlighted the beauty of the Maryknoll campus where the Maryknoll Lay Missioners headquarters are now located in the Walsh Building. This is the main seminary building.

The Maryknoll seminary campus

The Walsh Building was renovated for the use of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners and it turned out very well. All the staff, although sad to leave their old Bethany home, are delighted with the new bright and airy offices.

The new offices at MKLM

After touring the renovations at the Walsh Building, I meet with Sam Stanton, the Maryknoll Lay Missioners executive director, and Margo Cambier, the director of mission.

Sam Stanton and Margo Cambier

When negotiating for the Walsh Building, the Potter House, across the street from the seminary building, was also rented as a residence for families coming for training.

The Maryknoll Potter House

As the board members arrived, we gathered at the Potter House for supper and a visit from a bishop from South Sudan.

A visiting bishop from South Sudan