Trip to United States

26 September to 18 October 2012

4 October 2012


Global Council—Day 2

Today was the second day of the 2012 Global Council meeting and the agenda was reports from the different departments of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners administration. It was a good opportunity for the Bethany staff to learn of situations in the mission areas directly from the missioners and a chance for the missioners to offer questions and comments to the US staff that support those overseas.

Ana Rodrigues (right) was the first department head to make a presentation (on Finance) and at the end she gave copies of some of the handouts to Joanne Blaney, regional coordinator from Brazil, and Larry Parr, regional coordinator from El Salvador.

Joanne Blaney, Larry Parr, and Ana Rodrigues

Margaret Cuccinello is the head of the Advancement Department and she explained all that has taken place since our last meeting in April. The Advancement Department has a huge challenge, to help MKLM recover from the economic downturn of the last four years.

Margaret Cuccinello making her presentation

In order for the regional coordinators to keep in contact with the other parts of the Maryknoll family, the Global Council group had lunch at the Maryknoll Sisters' Center.

Lunch with the Maryknoll Sisters

In the afternoon, Barb Banovich, MKLM's human resources person and assistant to the leadership, reported on her activities and offered help with many of the problems facing the regional coordinators back in their regions.

Barb Banovich presenting