Trip to United States

26 September to 18 October 2012

26 September 2012

Travel Day
Bangkok to New York City

Today was a 36-hour day, starting off with a 6:00 AM departure from Bangkok and ending with an 8:00 PM arrival in New York City--after crossing the international date line and flying 25 hours between those two events.

From Bangkok I flew to Tokyo and then flew 12 hours to Houston, Texas. This concourse in Houston was not nearly as long as the one in Bangkok.

Houston airport hall

From Houston, it was another 3.5-hour flight to New York City's LaGuardia airport. There I got the NYC Airporter bus to Grand Central Station in Manhattan. I just missed a bus as I bought a ticket from the young woman on the right in the photo and had to wait another 20 minutes or so for the next one. From Grand Central I caught a train to Ossining, and there I got a taxi from the station to Bethany, the home of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners.

Airport bus stop in NYC