Trip to United States

30 June to 20 July 2012

30 June-1 July 2012

Highland Park, New Jersey

Saturday and Sunday

This weekend I had my second "church date" (as Maryknoll calls our speaking at Catholic parishes about mission and Maryknoll), this time in Highland Park, New Jersey. Alicia Butkiewicz and her husband Bernie and I drove there together.

Transfiguration Parish is the result of the merger of Guardian Angels parish and St. Paul parish. Because there are two campuses to speak at, lay missioner Alicia Butkiewicz, here with husband Bernie, spoke at Guardian Angels.
Alicia and Bernie Butkiewicz
AFter the evening masses at the two churches, the two resident priests, Fr. Bede Kim and Msgr. Daniel Herlihy, took the Butkiewiczes and Charlie Dittmeier to dinner.
Fr. Kim, B. Butkiewicz, A. Butkiewicz, Msgr. Herlihy
This is the St. Paul Church of Transfiguration Parish. St. Paul was established in 1913 in Highland Park.
Transfiguration Parish church
In the 1960s, the church was enlarged. It is a little unusual in that the altar is set to the right side instead of centered, and a baptism font area is in the middle of the pews on that side.
Inside St. Paul Church
On this weekend, Transfiguration was having its first Spanish liturgy for the Hispanic community that live nearby. Alicia is a native Spanish speaker so she also spoke at this extra mass at 12:15 PM.
Alicia Butkiewicz