Maryknoll History: Day 4

Monday / 16 January 2012


Today was dedicated to business meetings for MAS, Maryknoll Asia South. We have reduced the number of meetings that were associated with this gathering in the past so that we now schedule only one day to meet instead of two or three.


Len Montiel
In a change of schedule, we started with a morning prayer in the meeting room instead of in the chapel. Then Len Montiel spoke about some of the business issues facing MAS.
Small group discussion
Part of the process for the morning was small group discussion about the direction of MAS. This group met in a small kiosk outside in a garden area of the retreat campus.
Checking the bus lists
During the break people checked the bulletin board for information about the travel back to Bangkok tomorrow for most of the participants.
Susan Sporl, Luise Ahrens, Tom O'Brien
The general activities of Maryknoll Asia South, both during the year and at these gatherings, are led by a Service Team. This year the team consisted of Susan Sporl, Luise Ahrens, and Tom O'Brien.
Dee Dungy
When the small groups reported on their discussions, new lay missioner Dee Dungy reported the thoughts of Group 1.
Return from the elephant farm
Many people from Asia come for the content part of this gathering (the history presentations this year) but because they are not part of Maryknoll Asia South, they do not attend the MAS meetings. This year some went on a trip to an elephant farm where they were able to ride the elephants and see them perform.
Cambodia MKLM group
Just for the record, the MKLM group--all from Cambodia now--had their picture taken with Sam Stanton, the director of Maryknoll Lay Missioners. Back row: Lindsay Doucette, Sam Stanton, Charlie Dittmeier, Maria Montello. Front row: Dee Dungy, Lisa Pirie, Susan Sporl, Sami Scott, Peg Vamosy.
Farewell liturgy
At the liturgy, at the end of the day today, we had a ceremony to say goodbye to three members of MAS who will be leaving us in the coming months and won't be with us when we regather next January. Departing us are Lisa Pirie, Peg Vamosy, and Susan Sporl.
Singing at night
After supper the group watched a humorous slide show presentation by Charlie Dittmeier and then many gathered in the breezeway for guitar music and singing.

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