Maryknoll History: Day 4

Sunday / 15 January 2012


This morning Bill Galvin and Claudette Laverdiere completed their review of Maryknoll history and where we have come from. Then Fr. Ed Dougherty. the superior general of the Maryknoll Society, and Fr. Leo Shea began presentations on Maryknoll's future and an overview of all the centennial activities of the past year.


Joe Thaler
Centering prayer is very much a part of Asian spirituality and practice, and it is usually included in most of our prayer services. Here Joe Thaler, from Nepal, meditates before the morning prayer.
Ed Dougherty
When it was time for our sessions, Ed Dougherty and Leo Shea completed their presentations about the future of Maryknoll. Sr. Janice McLaughlin was supposed to present on that also but could not come because of a family problem. Instead we watched her recorded response to a talk at a centennial symposium held in Chicago a few months ago.
Another of the Maryknoll Sisters, Marvie Misolas, also spoke about the future and the need for hope.
Giving gifts to the presenters
When the morning was finished, all the presenters were given small gifts to acknowledge the contribution they made for all of us the past four days.
Mel singing during mass
At mass, Mel, one of the Filipina lay missioners associated with us, joined in one of the songs.
Dancing at mass
When the mass ended with a lively song, John Beeching started an impromptu dance line in front of the altar.
A table at supper
People sit at different tables with different people for each meal and get to know each other better that way.
Evening prayer service
Evening prayer was a very solemn and moving service to remember the sixteen Maryknollers who have died overseas, all of them violently. Many of them were literal martyrs for the faith.
Sr. Helene presenting about new consciousness
After the prayer service, Helene O'Sullivan made a presentation on a favorite topic of hers, the evolution of a new level of consciousness in humanity and the cosmos.

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