Maryknoll History: Day 3

Saturday / 14 January 2012


This morning Bill Galvin and Claudette Laverdiere completed their review of Maryknoll history and where we have come from. Then Fr. Ed Dougherty. the superior general of the Maryknoll Society, and Fr. Leo Shea began presentations on Maryknoll's future and an overview of all the centennial activities of the past year.


Olga checking the bulletin board
After morning prayers, Olga checked the bulletin board to be sure of the day's schedule. During the history presentations, afternoons were free and many took the opportunity to go to the nearby beach on the Gulf of Thailand.
Fr. Ed Dougherty
After Bill Galvin and Claudette Laverdiere finished their presentations (which were much appreciated) Fr. Ed Dougherty introduced a look at the future of Maryknoll.
Small group discussions Small group discussion

To set the stage for discussion of the future, Ed asked the Maryknollers to talk in small groups about what stood out for them in the history presentations.

A discussion at the break
At the morning break this group had lively discussions.
Fr. Leo Shea
The Ed introduced Fr. Leo Shea who was in charge of much of the activity during the centennial year. Leo gave a summary of various activities in cities around the United States where Maryknoll is well-known.
Fr. Rodrigo Ulloa at mass
Fr. Rodrigo Ulloa was ordained in June, 2011. As a seminarian he had his Overseas Training Program in Cambodia so he had attended these Hua Hin gatherings in the past. Today, though, he presided at a mass for the group, his first time in that role.
Sam Stanton
In the evening Sam Stanton, the executive director of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners, spoke to the group about the current status and activities of the lay missioners.
Getting ice cream
For some people, the last activity of the day was to take a short hike to a nearby mall for ice cream.

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