Maryknoll History: Day 2

Friday / 13 January 2012


Today Fr. Bill Galvin and Sr. Claudette Laverdiere continued their presentations on Maryknoll history. And throughout the day there were other smaller meetings and gatherings, taking advantage of the presence of so many people from so many different places.


Breakfast is at 7:00 AM each morning and there is enough time that people can sit and talk during and after they eat.
Morning prayer
The morning prayer this morning focused on Sr. Mary Joseph, the first superior of the Maryknoll Sisters who started out as one of the secretaries or auxiliaries who worked with the priests and brothers group.
Claudette Laverdiere and Bill Galvin
Claudette Laverdiere and Bill Galvin speaking about Maryknoll's history. Today Bill spoke about other early Maryknollers who were not founders of the group but greatly influenced its beginning days.
Sr. Claudette Laverdiere
Working from correspondence that has been preserved, Claudette Laverdiere presented more interesting--and sometimes amusing--vignettes of the early days in regard to the relationship between the Maryknoll priests and brothers and what was to become the Maryknoll Sisters.
MKLM members photo

Members of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners in Asia

(Back) Chong Park, Maria Montello, Sam Stanton, Lindsay Doucette, Dee Dungy, Charlie Dittmeier
(Front) Pooja Park, Peg Vamosy, Lisa Pirie, Susan Sporl, Sami Scott

A small meeting
Several members of the Maryknoll Sisters and three of the Maryknoll Priests and Brothers in a small meeting.
Morning mass
Fr. Ed McGovern was the presiding priest for the morning liturgy. He was flanked by (left) Sr. Helene O'Sullivan and Sr. Mollie Mertens who this year are celebrating 50 years of religious life as Maryknoll Sisters.
Singing at mass
One of the characteristics of our gatherings at Hua Hin are substantial liturgies prepared according to constructive themes and with a great deal of participation from all.
Discussion of climate change
In the afternoon, Fr. Larry Radice met again with Maryknollers interested in exploring more deeply various ideas about climate change. Later in the afternoon all the Maryknoll priests and brothers also had a meeting.
MKLM dinner
The Maryknoll Lay Missioners continued a tradition of taking their new members out to dinner in the city of Hua Hin.
Retreat center at night
The retreat center is operated by the Salesian priests. It is located on the same property as a huge school and a parish church for the area.
Movie after dinner
This evening after dinner, many of the Maryknollers watched a movie called Monsenor about Archbishop Oscar Romero who was assassinated in El Salvador because of his work for equality and justice for the peasants.

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