Trip to United States

5 June to 7 July 2011

28 June 2011

Today was the one full workday that I had for accomplishing many tasks and I started off early with a trip to the bank, then another to Walmart, and then on to the Office of Worship where I talked with the staff there about liturgical situations in Cambodia. Then I visited Tom Ryan before heading home to dinner with the English family.

Tom Ryan is one of the few deaf deacons in the United States Catholic Church. He and Charlie worked together for many years with the Louisville Catholic deaf community. Now Tom has Parkinsons Disease and is living at Nazareth Home in Louisville.
Charlie Dittmeier and Tom Ryan
Judith English, my hostess, is an excellent cook and regularly invites people to their home for a meal. This evening she invited Fr. Bob Ray, a good friend of Charlie's from seminary days, and also Jim English, brother of her husband Bob. It was another delightful meal and wonderful conversation.
Judith English, Fr. Bob Ray, Charlie Dittmeier, Jim English