Retreat Day 2

17 January 2010


The second full day of retreat was also a sunday but there was little sense of that because at the retreat house every day is like every other day. We have been fortunate this year that the weather has been relatively pleasant. It's warm but not unbearable.


Breakfast at 7:00 AM is the first scheduled activity of the day and for many it's a slow, drawn-out affair.
Morning prayer
The rich, early-morning rays of the sun create a supportive atmosphere for morning prayer after breakfast.
The first talk of the morning
Jack Corcoran of Nepal asks a question of Fr. Felix about yesterday's presentations. We are asking so many questions that he is one talk behind schedule.
Charlie Dittmeier taking pictures
At the break, someone took a picture of Charlie Dittmeier taking pictures of others. Each year a CD of photos from the retreat and meetings is made available to those who want one.
the morning break
Two of the lay missioners from the Philippines at the morning break.
Fr. Felix Wilfred
Fr. Felix Wilfred at the second morning session.  He gives copious examples and sometimes interesting insights into the persons and processes of the official church. He has been an advisor and theologian at the highest levels and worked on a commission with Pope Benedict.
Len Montiel
Sr. Len Montiel finally discovered what she wants to do with her life.
Adel O'Regan and Jim Noonan
Jim Noonan, who moved from Cambodia to the Office of Global Concerns in Washington, DC, arrived this morning and received a warm welcome from Adel O'Regan.
Hiep Vu reading at mass
The liturgy this morning was prepared by the Thailand group.  Hiep Vu read the gospel scripture reading.
Tom O'Brien, Amy Braun, and Marion Phillips
Tom O'Brien and Amy Braun shared a music sheet while Marion Phillips added her voice to the singing.
The serving table in the dining room
Then it was lunch time.  We are fortunate that the retreat house serves very good meals, Thai style with enough adaptation to suit various western and other tastes.
Amy Braun
While others napped or walked the beach, Amy Braun, one of the logistics committee, collated handouts connected with Fr. Wilfred's talks.
Hiep Vu
After evening prayer, it was decided to watch a movie on the LCD projector in the meeting room. Hiep Vu, from Vietnam, set up the DVD player for tonight's production.

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