Trip to United States

21 September to 11 October 2010

4 October (Monday)

Mike Gable, a former Maryknoll lay missioner who is now head of the missions office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, spent the day with us and offered some ideas and insights on the theology of fund-raising.  After finishing his term as a lay missioner, Mike also worked for Maryknoll's Development Department for eight years and lived at Maryknoll.

Mike Gable spoke a lot from his own experience in mission in Honduras but also offered many insights from various reading he had photocopied for us. Mike Gable
The staff of the MKLM Advancement Department also attended the presentation of Mike Gable.  At the break, Russ Brine, the regional coordinator from Kenya, spoke with Anna Rodriguez, the MKLM financial officer. Russ Brine and Anna Rodriguez
The day was cold and somewhat rainy but a good lunch made everyone feel better.  Eating together are Debbie Northern, Charlie Dittmeier, Mike Gable, and Jason Obergfell. Lunch time
The Maryknoll Lay Missioners have had many good and dedicated staff over the years.  Jessie is a new part-time staff member in the Housekeeping Department.
Jessie, new Bethany staff