Trip to United States

28 June to 30 July 2010

20 July 2010 (Tuesday)

Today was another day for renewing old friendships.

At lunch time today I met with Sally Newton, Nancy Reynolds, and Donna Laswell, sign language interpreters with whom I worked during my time in Louisville. We still keep in touch and try to have lunch together each time I am back in Kentucky.
Charlie Dittmeier, Sally Newton, Nancy Reynolds, Donna Laswell

After lunch I went to the Office of Worship of the Archdiocese of Louisville and spoke with Barry Mudd and Judy Bullock.  They filled me in on developments in the diocese and on the introduction of the new missal in English that is being organized.
Barry Mudd and Judy Bullock

In the evening I met with the Lost Boys of St. Thomas, a group of former seminarians and priests who were at St. Thomas Seminary together and who now communicate on an Internet mailing list.  We get together occasionally, and today was one of the times when I was able to attend.  Great guys!
The Lost Boys gathering