Trip to United States

28 June to 30 July 2010

18-19 July 2010

Speaking at St. Mary of the Lake Parish was a wonderful experience this weekend, but the rest of the trip was delightful, too, in a different way.  I was able to visit several great friends and my sister on the way also.

After the last mass on Sunday, I drove to Lisle, Illinois to visit Ed Rowzee who was three years ahead of me in the minor seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.  I had visited Ed when I was in Chicago five years ago and was delighted to have another chance to catch up with him.
Charlie Dittmeier and Ed Rowzee

After visiting Ed, I drove to Indianapolis to stay overnight with John and Betty Schulz.  John was in the first class of St. Thomas Seminary and graduated three months before I entered.  He then went to Innsbruck to continue his seminary studies.  We never actually met in person until this past year but have been communicating regularly on a mailing list set up for the former students of St. Thomas.
John Schulz

After breakfast and more reminiscing, I headed for Cincinnati and had lunch with my sister Martha and her family.
The Reed family

Then it was on to Portsmouth, Ohio to visit Dan Onley, another St. Thomas Seminary alumni.  Dan and I were classmates there and share many experiences such large families, attaining Eagle Scout rank, ham radio, and flying.  Dan has been in poor health for several years but had made great strides from the last time I saw him.
Dan Onley