Trip to United States

28 June to 30 July 2010

17-18 July 2010

This weekend I spoke at St. Mary of the Lake parish in northern Chicago.  I drove up Saturday morning and was welcomed by Fr. Jim Kastigar. I spoke at the masses in English on behalf of Maryknoll and the lay mission program.

St. Mary parish is a very culturally diverse parish in the Uptown area of Chicago.  The inside is modeled on the basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome and has been beautifully preserved.
St. Mary of the Lake, Chicago

Fr. Charlie Dittmeier spoke at the four masses in English but Fr. Kastigar presided in Spanish at the 1:00 PM mass on Sunday.
Fr. Kastigar at mass

Celina Woznicki is a former Maryknoll Lay Missioner who is now the head of the Maryknoll Associate Program in Chicago.  Because Charlie doesn't know Spanish, Celine came to speak about the lay mission program at the Spanish mass.
Fr. Kastigar and Celine Woznicki